It's quite entertaining, but not so scary. Watch with a friend and we did feel that the audience at the cinema is quite "noisy", full of "laughter" and "screamer", anyhow....I did enjoy it through out the show.
Personally, I like the 4th and the 5th story. The 4th story is call Salvage, it's about the 2nd-hand-cars which the business-lady sold, is all been rebuilding from damage or crash, and every cars damage, got a story behind it. This one I feel that is quite spooky.
The 5th story is call In The End, this was so fun and entertaining. Yeah, plus a bit creepy too, but the way it directed is unique, smart, exciting and definitely you will enjoy it too. This story directed by Banjong Pisanthanakun who directed movie like Shutter, Alone and one of the short story from 4bia. Well, this is the best of all 5, i think~
Worth watching yo~
Rate: 7.2 / 10
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